Student Page
Silver cord forms and info:
Graduation Requirements
The IKM-Manning Community School has certain requirements as
determined by the State Department of Education and the local Board of
Education. The graduation requirements are as follows:
1. Forty-eight (48) credits are required for graduation. Every student must
carry at least 6 academic classes each semester (band and vocal will
count toward the 6).
2. All students are required to enroll in physical education.
3. All students must pass the required courses established by the
Department of Education and the IKM-Manning Board of Education.
4. All students must have served all detentions and suspensions assigned
and have paid all fees and fines.
Required number of credits and courses in each field.
1. English- 8 credits English I, English II, English III, Speech required.
2. Science- 6 credits
Physical or General Science, Modern Biology or Biology required.
3. Mathematics- 6 credits
4. Social Studies- 6 credits World Geography I, American History II, World
History, Am. Government required.
5. Physical Education- 2 credits,1/4 credit per semester
6. Careers I (1 credit), Careers II (1 credit) required and a 1 credit
Computer Literacy requirement.
All of the subject courses are one credit per semester with the exception of
physical education which is 1/4 credit per semester.
A Career Diploma is available to students who complete 40 credits
consisting of all core requirements and 3 sequential units (6 credits) of an
approved vocational program. See the Guidance Counselor for details.
Here are some sites that are helpful for students...
2019-20 Course Registration Book
Other Student Resources
Jobs/Job seeking info for teens
Medical Assistant Programs
Mapping your future (Iowa Workforce Development) (Search occupations)
Jobs/Job seeking info for teens
Medical Assistant Programs
Mapping your future (Iowa Workforce Development) (Search occupations)